Mansoor Vakili
Forum Replies Created
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.
As you suggest, traditionally to synchronize our two hemispheres, humans have put themselves into altered states via meditation (quieting or observing the mind), chanting, fasting, plant medicines, dancing, and more to achieve what you’re describing.
The uniqueness of this approach is how it considers the brain as a self-organizing system, and so it can be trained to more consciously operate in a nonlinear fashion by observing our thoughts and behaviors with nonlinear values. By viewing challenges as opportunities and cognitive processes with the potential to teach us something greater, our observation acts as a positive feedback system to reorganize our brain.
This process can increase the synchronization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain, overcoming the dominance of the left-side (which is more analytical, materialistic, and masculine). This allows activation of the right-side (more intuitive, spiritual, and feminine) and fosters conscious cooperation between the two hemispheres, unlocking the optimum potential of our brain, freeing us from the domination of the linear model and its restricting influence in our bodily as well our social and environmental activities.
After all, the brain, the most complex matter in the universe, has received a significant investment from Earth’s resources for its development. However, the linear model’s dominance hinders its performance and limits its potential.
If you are interested in exploring in more detail, you can read more on the duality of the brain here: https://self-org.org/project/duality-of-the-brain
The Duality of the Brain in Perceiving and Processing Information — Systems Philosophy
This section explores the historical development of the linear approximate model, and how this became the currently dominant model in our thinking and activities.