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  • sjahari hollands

    May 4, 2023 at 1:23 pm in reply to: WHY ARE THINGS SO OUT OF BALANCE?

    I appreciate your insight here Rodney. And the others.

    As I reflect on my question I am beginning to see that the real issue here is not that the RH has abdicated its role, but that I have. It is my Self, that needs to step up here and become the master in my own house, using all the power and creativity and love available to me. I have these capacities.

    Iain’s work therefore is simply a metaphor for these aspects of the self. That metaphor has a manifestation in the world of matter as the anatomy of the Right Hemisphere of the brain, which is where it is located as quantum particles and neutrons, but it is much more than that. This Self actually has an existence of its own in the realm of the invisible world, the psyche, which is seperate and distinct from the anatomy. And it will be there after I die, (if it has developed enough by then. )

    I am glad I asked this question here, because it is allowing me to discover something new.

  • sjahari hollands

    May 4, 2023 at 12:34 am in reply to: WHY ARE THINGS SO OUT OF BALANCE?

    I am appreciating the responses given here. And yet I am still wondering about this.

    I understand that the ideal is for the two hemispheres to be in balance, each supporting the other, but with the RH leading the way. And I agree that the key is in how we apply our attention, allowing the RH its space to function.

    And yet I am still wondering why the RH seems to be so very weak. And why it cant take a more active role in things as the Master. I mean, it’s supposed to be the Master.

    In my own personal creative life, when I try to be in that state of active receptivity that Iain talks about, I am often left in a vast nothingness. Nothing comes in.

    And it seems that since nature abhors a vacuum, the LH will step in to fill up all that space. This is not just happening in me, but in society in general.

    It would be good if the RH were to step up to the plate a little more maybe. As the Master.

    Well. Maybe thats my job. To BE the Master. Maybe it’s ME that needs to step up to the plate here.

  • sjahari hollands

    March 2, 2023 at 2:45 pm in reply to: Counterfactuals

    Thanks for the replies Christine and L.P. Koch. For some reason I didnt get a note there were replies so this is a bit late.

    I dont think that the analytic philosophy is using counterfactuals at all. From how I understand them.

    A counterfactual statement is of two forms.

    One form of a counterfactual is something that is IMPOSSIBLE according to the laws of physics. An example of this would be a perpetual motion machine.

    Another form is to say that something is POSSIBLE according to the laws of physics.

    I cant go into a detailed discussion here but it is a fascinating area. And both Deutsch and Chirana are using this approach to find a way of arriving at a theory of entropy and the first origins of things that does NOT go back to the reductionist approach so prevalent – at least in Biology. And also in physics.

    In terms of the discussion on RH and LH, it seems to me that the LH’s specialty is to determine that things are impossible – based on the laws of logic and reductionist thinking.

    ON the other hand the RH can question that assumption and challenge the situation. Is this really IMPOSSIBLE? Is there some configuration in which such a thing becomes POSSIBLE?

    Here is a statement that in its present form seems to be a counterfactual.

    “It is IMPOSSIBLE for humankind at this point to reverse the inevitable progression of climate change. “

    Iain in one of his talks refers to Alice in Wonderland and the Red Queen who told her to practice thinking of 6 impossible things before breakfast.

    It’s a fascinating exercise.

    Like. I might think. “It’s impossible for such and such.” But after a little reflection I start to wonder – “wait a minute. Is it really impossible?”

  • sjahari hollands

    November 20, 2022 at 6:49 pm in reply to: Sexuality

    What I am trying to explore with this question is more along the lines of the sexual experience itself. The sexual act. It is often something that can be a conduit to those RH awarenesses, for both men and women. Iain talks about how music, and poetry, and art and nature can all lead us there. But so far I havent heard him talk about how the sexual experience can take us there, if it is coming from the right place.

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