Craig Matheson
Forum Replies Created
Hi Charles,
Thank you for sharing on all that, as you’ve done.
Firstly, I like to say that I think you are nailing it on all fronts discussed, including per:
– CBT to Buddhism;
– how usually it seems wiser to endure the pain rather than to dope out (ahem, per Yeshua’s/Christ’s lead-by-example message? … for to somehow make some reasonable sense about such abundant vibes to suffering passed/passing around this ‘funny’ world?;
– fighting as a means to make sense of this largely kooky, and much seemingly god-forsaken, world (at least in a way to which any given identifying-Catholic may preach oppositely; all the while, no matter how good one person’s day is going … somebody, arguably much more innocent, somewhere else in the world, is getting physically destroyed); and
– so on.
Secondly, reference my life as a rough go … granted CBT and other cognitive discoveries, I now much more realize that there’s ordinarily a lot to be thankful for—if one is hellbent on looking to mentally offset misery—and somebody always has it worse. But, I’d agree in that certain mental stains can last on a brain no matter how much someone else may not understand; whereby how could another plumb get the depths of another’s path & struggle granted the complexity per each human (of which Carl Jung perhaps clinically/ academically understood more per than anyone else — the term Individuation derived resultantly), where we all tend to struggle dearly in truly understanding the contents of our own respective psyches.
That said, that which doesn’t kill apparently can make stronger in particular ways.
Thank you for sharing that you chose to per your message.
First of all, not that I believe suicide is some sort of irrecoverable post-life sin—especially not in the way some human-speaking-for-god may figure—but, I’m glad you made your decision to not.
On the flip side, my mother failed to getting ‘witchcrafted’ by my father during the late 1980’s as she was then-realizing the relatively high degree of bipolar function to her brain much later in her life compared to my younger such cosmic compulsion to realize. She was pretty much a genius at whatever she put her heart & mind toward, but when ‘loved ones’ (as in my father) serpentinely begins mastering devilish designs for Hermit Crabbing your entire life, while always claiming innocence … (cough) … GASLIGHTING!!! … while simultaneously working your children snake-like against your loving image, well, sometimes things can get a tad tricky within family to say the least.
Within such skullduggery, my emotionally-retarded father preyed on her increased vulnerability in prayer / her increased ways to meditation (as a means to become a more compassionate person), but, in truth, she didn’t need much work to do on that end … as she continued her search beyond physical things being depended upon for true happiness. She was as if the Giving Tree archetype to the Shel Silverstein namesake story … as I currently know her to still give metaphysically post-life; having fallen to suicide by 1990—arguably more of ‘a saint’ than any possible Church delegate may understand.
Personally, I’d sustained my own substantial suicide attempt back in 2012. The identified culprit? Daddy-issues — for him (as a d-bag know-it-all Atheist; identified being almost as bad as the opposite by sporting ever his own religion of absolutism around per Whatever He says) having planting his own particular brand of ‘seed of god’ in my young head by cunningly/charmingly trashing any form of spirituality anyone else may’ve chased (including that my mother was chasing while alive; in turn tricking my brain to develop grave embarrassment for her loving image) he – by default – became all there was ‘left’ for my mind to settle upon—His foolish image.
Hence, it took me such a scientific-approach through CBT (such numerous Thought Records of practice per the system) to rebuild my identity, without any of that/His crap involved, going forward for learning ‘how to be’ absent anyone else’s Idea of God being germane to my psychic structure in individuation.
Charles, to your mention about people going for spiritualism mainly for an imbalanced fear of death, couple things:
– the archetype of a witch wishes to live forever for excessive fear of death, probably because of them knowing a ‘hellish experience’ awaits (in just working off of the many ‘hellish’ NDE testimonies I watched via YouTube)
– Carl Jung, to avoid such excessive fear, advised people to see death more as a beginning to a new chapter in being (in so many words), while, in about 1958, he saw such excessive fear trending possibly toward a problematic state of mass psychosis — gone cataclysmic during Covid-period?
At any rate, thanks again for expressing per your post. I felt to sincerely understand the lion’s share.
In efforts here to wrapped up my post, a poem for which you may associate:
While heavy may seem the load
along the burdensome taxing road,
If compassion remains the goal,
then freer releases the soul.
The Noetic ‘Russian Dolls’ to Hermeticism: Western Esoterism, within Esoteric Christianity, within Neoplatonism, within Hermeticism
Craig Matheson
Independent researcher, Barrie, Canada
This report offers argued theory & supporting evidence for how the theistic philosophy of Hermeticism intellectually coursed across time to lay philosophical path for the downstream development of the noetic hybrids known as Neoplatonism, Esoteric Christianity, and Western Esotericism. Accordingly, it is contended that long have Hermetic tenets philosophically existed encoded within the foregoing hybrid approaches, ideas and/or movements; all aimed at mastering such a speculative study. Moreover, discussed theory per this report sets forth that, since the dawn of said/three noetic derivatives, at their respective cores – to varying degrees -each of these Hermetic ‘Russian Dolls’ (so to speak) has religiously revolved around a handful of central tenets to Hermeticism, thusly the creed came to foundationally serve aid – in part – for: the establishment of each said noetic hybrid; reaffirming timeless origin story for each; and, as a suspected cornerstone to such pagan practice within forms of so-called ‘secretive societies’ to Western Esotericism. Through discussion & analysis of apparent facts concerning certain historical figures—such as Socrates, Plato, Plotinus, Marsilio Ficino, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Leonardo da Vinci, King Henry VIII and others—the contention is that it becomes increasingly clear that throughout the corresponding time periods to said historical figures, as well as for present-day kindred considerations, Hermeticism has ever played an important psychological role – if only symbolically – whereby the Hermetic Caduceus currently serves as a symbol or standard for public health around the world.
Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, Esoteric Christianity, Western Esotericism, Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, King Henry VIII, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola,
For having just conferred with my managing editor at OJPP, perhaps it’s best I offer but the abstract so openly to both papers before the respective officially publish dates … so, here goes!
Truthfully, because I’m a bit of a rookie at this publishing stuff — although perhaps up-and-coming — must be sure to tread more learned & lightly:
DaVinci’s Mental Code: Sacred Geometrics Identified Within Psychology
Craig Matheson
Independent researcher, Barrie, Canada
Objective Based upon notions to a mental vision of the Vitruvian Man, to determine if any obvious asymmetries exist within Leonardo da Vinci’s timeless schematic—which is famous for its highly symmetrical presentation.
Methods A qualitative analysis performed upon a Vitruvian Man print (taken from the namesake Wikipedia article) to: closely examine if the man’s head is positioned to noticeably tilt toward either direction – left or right – of a dissecting line superimposed for equally splitting(vertically) the circle in the schematic; and, to closely examine the man’s eyes for any artistic asymmetry therein drawn.
Results The man’s head is determined tilting toward his right half/hemisphere of the circle. Also noticeable: the man’s right eye appears being of a much brighter look relative to a darkness observable about his left eye: and, an outline to an inverted equilateral triangle identifiably shaded surrounding his left eye, whereas a more contrastingly circular shape appears as so shaded around his right eye.
Discussion Once a certain awareness is drawn to such artistic anomalies, they can become so clearly observable that one may wonder if Leonardo da Vinci did as much intentionally. And if so, then why? This paper details a hypothesis necessarily built upon the assumption that Leonardo intentionally embedded such cues within his Vitruvian Man whereby speculations toward a hemispheric brain theory can be established, of such cryptic nature given a then-pronouncedly authoritarian Catholic Church, whereupon he may have figured it possible to receive credit posthumously if ever such notions were proven valid. Incidentally, the concerning analysis as to why the Vitruvian Man’s head tilts in such a fashion aligns with Dr. Iain McGilchrist’s peer-reviewed findings to a hemispheric hypothesis.
Key words
Vitruvian Man; hemispheric brain theory; DaVinci Code; Sacred Geometry; Leonardo da Vinci, Dr. Iain McGilchrist
Sure. No worries. Here’s the message (in part):
As the below-listed two reports of mine are currently within a typesetting phase to the OJPP (Open Journal of Philosophy) publishing process, anyone is welcome to email me for an advanced copy: cramath80@hotmail.com (my personal email address):
1. DaVinci’s Mental Code: Sacred Geometrics Identified Within Psychology; and,
2. The Noetic ‘Russian Dolls’ to Hermeticism: Western Esoterism, within Esoteric Christianity, within Neoplatonism, within Hermeticism”
Eric. Hopefully that clears up some of such concerns for you. If you want them, please let me know.
Best wishes,
Hey Eric,
I thought as though I gave my/a perspective to everything you were calling for … but perhaps just not it the way you were looking for it to be offered?
Either way, not to worry. I’ll stop chiming.
I hope you come to find what you were looking for per your such extension/outreach on this channel.
As I’m not too shy to share the theory despite how others may or may not see it, it holds that LDVinci somehow figured out what McGilchrist has (to such a hypothesis); whereby Iain seems to stop short in connecting the duo of counterbalancing respective natures per the opposite hemispheres to the notion of a naturally occurring so-called Cosmic Duality — as such a coincidence of opposites seem to be per (including, but not limited to) the:
– North and South poles to a planet;
– opposing ends to the spectrum of Mental Universe (Mentalism) …
Yin and Yang;
Good and Evil;
Above and Below;
Light and Dark;
Equilateral Triangle (Tetrahedron) and Circle (Sphere),
and so forth
– Left vs Right
– Up vs Down
– Helium vs Radium (spectrum to atomic mass)
– Positive vs Negative
– Male vs Female
… and anywhere else it can be seen to occur in the world, within ourselves, and beyond.
Why couldn’t have LdaVinci encoded something like that therein the VMan schematic?
He wasn’t smart enough to figure it out?
From what I understand he would’ve cracked open some skull per his human anatomy analysis, thereby he would’ve known of the duo of hemispheres.
Perhaps he somehow figured that the right hemisphere was up to something by nature of which the left hemisphere ‘stood’ naturally against.
Plus, he studying at the Platonic Academy in Florence with Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni Pico della Miradola, and these guys studied the then-freshly translated Ancient Greek Hermetica (as Ficino – a Catholic priest – had as so allowed it to be understood in Latin), and, as with the Kybalion of a modern day, there was much concern discussed respectively therein to the notion of said Cosmic Duality
Hey Eric,
Perhaps I should apologize granted usually mention of the VMan theory posed out here on this channel tends to be a showstopper.
By mentioning it, I hope it is NOT taken as an examination of your knowledge per developments to do with significant Catholic players in Renaissance Italy.
Eric, After all, perhaps to your point, Leonardo da Vinci’s notable patron was the House of Medici (or the Medici family) — said to have supplied four different Catholic popes during the 16th and 17th centuries.
Eric, incidentally – possibly of akin interest – go ahead and print off a copy of the Vitruvian Man … and then split (vertically) the circle, as judiciously as you see fit.
Do you find some ‘tilt’ therein posed?
Not sure if it ultimately matters, but if that’s combined with the fact that his right eye appears more bright/enlightened looking relative to a darker look about his left eyeball, … then ?
Hey Eric, I understand. But thanks for clarifying.
Time to tell if anyone else chooses to chime in, ring a bell or whatever else, … but, in this moment, allow me to clarify in the following fashion:
I work to respect whatever people believe, yet I believe it is precisely when people start taking things too personally (and/or as much to themselves — a.k.a. their image projected upon the world) is when people start getting hurt unnecessarily; when as much starts to ‘tilt left’ by such dangerous degrees.
Having said that, I’m not sure Christ/Yeshua ever did that; in fact (in the way I understand it) it was a notion of ‘the institutional establishment’ to which he was rebelling/speaking/standing against … so for him (or his image) to become tip-of-the-spear shaped to represent the metaphysical, driving force for any super-massive juggernaut of a warring machine—as so hellbent on conforming anyone whom disagrees with It/Him—seems a bit too convenient for suiting the purposes of a tyrannical mindset (and/or such a blackhole type mentality) which may’ve smartly sought to control His image in how It may come to form within the minds of others, for Their own interests.
In other ways, I’m under no illusion this is not how such systems come to naturally form per our third-dimensional physical realm & reality; especially if the Milky Way can serve as such an example/ model — whereby getting too close to such a corrupting centre of force/power means an end to such otherwise considered ‘cosmic innocence’.
Either way, thanks for the opportunity to throw this & that out there.
St. George’s state-sanctioned slaughter (by the Byzantine government) occurred but 73 years before the Edict of Thessalonica (not the as stated 90 years); or, in 303 CE
… as the Word of Christ (so to speak) just kept spreading beyond such a ‘preventive measure’ by them Romans, which surely contributed to why They, in the end (or 313 years beyond murdering Yeshua/Christ) began to officially figure to align or merge with such a WoC as a means to control it—as They apparently accepted it couldn’t be stopped; but seemingly more of the opposite the more They tried to ‘kill it’—which reportedly took about the 67 years between the Edict of Milan (313 CE) and the Edict of Thessalonica (380 CE)
I hear ya – all of it – plus his head seems to be tilting to his right half/hemisphere of the circle split equally. Either way, the ‘mind’ of LdaVinci was involved.
Thank you for sharing your take on what the image brought forth in you.
More clear version provided herein per previous post:
With ya Don, so, per such efforts, what u make of this image …<div>