Reply To: Hello! & a Question

  • James Willis

    October 9, 2023 at 4:48 pm

    Many congratulations if you actually finished this astonishingly self-confident critique. I tried to understand what he was so upset about but failed and gave up.<div>

    Probably my inadequacy, of which I am not proud, but I prefer to read material, such as Iain’s, which is clear about what it is trying to say. I had no trouble reading every word of TMWT and making notes all along the way.

    But at least you have intrigued me enough to bring me back to this site after a gap, and I am delighted to find that the response time overall has been much improved, making it much more usable than it was after the rebuild of a year or so ago.

    Best wishes, James (one of the fawning admirers this guy sneers at)
