On the Power of No: The Apophatic path to God

  • Dan Slife

    October 1, 2022 at 1:02 pm

    Greetings, Zak.

    This link didn’t work for me. Is there another route to the content?



  • Zak Safra

    October 1, 2022 at 5:23 pm

    So sorry.

    This one should work!


    • Dan Slife

      October 4, 2022 at 12:06 pm

      Thank you, Zak.

      I was lucky enough to be present in the audience for this talk at Duquesne back in 2016. So glad you made this available!

      • Zak Safra

        November 6, 2022 at 11:05 am

        hi @DanSlife !

        I’m so sorry for the late reply. it’s been a manic few months, but I’m really delighted to find someone who was at this talk! I’ve been meaning to take some quotes and just jot them down. Here’s a humorous one :

        “The Left Hemisphere’s language and thought do not cut the mustard. And they can’t be expected to, cos its still looking for the mustard and wondering how to cut it”


        of course, humor is part of the lecture, but by no means does this reflect some of the other insights. The whole thing is marvelous.


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