Beauty and Being

  • Beauty and Being

    Posted by John Ehrenfeld on January 22, 2023 at 7:13 pm

    I wrote this a few days ago, after a snow storm came through and very surface shrouded in a white coating. Thinking about beauty as a fundamental value, as Iain writes in TMWT was certainly present.

    Leaves of Snow

    First it rained, then changed to snow,
    Leaving a white coating on everything.
    With the sun tucked behind the clouds
    The view from my window is stark.
    Not a hint of color anywhere.
    My head says something is missing,
    But my heart finds beauty everywhere.
    Snow-covered branches create
    A panoply of shapes and figures
    That the summer foliage hides from view.
    The more I look, the more I am drawn
    To the myriad details that have appeared.

    I know this beauty will soon vanish
    As the snow begins to melt, and
    The branches become bare again.
    The startling contrast will vanish.
    Then, when I look out, I know
    I will feel time is racing along.
    The moment is lost, just as it is
    When the last leaves drop in autumn.
    Beauty stops the clock’s hands
    And lets me see and feel
    So deeply that there is no need
    Of color; black and white is enough

    Craig Matheson replied 2 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Craig Matheson

    January 22, 2023 at 11:51 pm

    John, I like the way you deliver your message. It’s smooth and easy to digest. As well poignantly brought. As well, interesting that we both touched on the concept of colour per our respective today’s offerings 🙂

    Incidentally, the first time I ever even considered how the two hemispheres differ so much was when back in about 2007, my brother had explained to me that he wore colourful clothing because he’d read that such brilliant attire had been scientifically proven to help tie the halves together to work in better unison.

    And here we now are 😉

    Difficult to understand why things occur as they seem

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