A new poem

  • A new poem

    Posted by John Ehrenfeld on March 1, 2023 at 5:35 pm

    A Stroll with Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

    Walking with God sounds presumptuous.

    That God should spend even a minute with me

    Ignores how much is already on God’s plate.

    God has to keep the rivers flowing,

    And the flowers growing,

    And the stars glowing,

    And that’s just the beginning.

    God does walk with me,

    But only when I stop thinking

    About God, and simply let myself

    Connect to the cosmos as it is.

    Not trying to figure it out.

    Thinking takes me away from

    My very being as a part of it.

    God is the river, the flower, the star.

    But never something I can reach out

    And see or hear or touch or smell.

    God is the seeing, hearing,

    The touching, smelling that can

    Stop my search for Why or What,

    And simply stand there, amazed.

    Amazed at being a part of a process

    That never started and never ends.

    How can that be?

    Always, the wrong question pops up.

    God cannot be found in the answer.

    Isn’t it strange that God joins me

    Only when the silence roars?

    (Inspired by a remembrance of Rabbi Heschel at Harvard Hillel. Heschel wrote about walking with God.)

    John Ehrenfeld replied 2 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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