Reply To: My experience of music

  • Anneloes Wolters

    August 25, 2023 at 10:21 am

    Happy to reflect together in this topic and happy you like that too.

    The musicianship, the Craft, the How to write, is not so hard when you know What to write and Why you write that. I think you are of on a good start, because you already hear the Music, you only need the craftmenship to write it down.

    If you want to work on your musicianship: I’m in a little ‘composers fooling around’ Whatsapp group with composer Keiron Anderson taking the lead. His Craft is magnificent and he likes to teach. He sends little video’s with excercises you can do, or not. Up to you. If you’re interested let me know, I’ll ask him.

    I have posted a question about how to study music for the Q&A with Iain, I hope that will help us on the way to an even better understanding.

    Have a nice day and enjoy your Music,
