Reply To: Tool's Lateralus: an Exegesis

  • Shannon McCarthy

    February 15, 2023 at 7:44 pm

    Hi Matt!

    I was excited to see your post with an Alex Grey painting. I like to go see him at the Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors in New York. And he makes the images for Tool! Yes I agree their work is incredible. Schism is my favorite!

    Maynard, because he is a creative genius, has to know well how to move out of black and white thinking and into the surety of the human experience. I agree that the lyrics you shared convey it so beautifully.

    It sounds like the journey of the westernized adult to me, as opposed to the childhood to adulthood journey. There’s a little joke about how three year olds are all “little philosophers” because they ask such extraordinary questions. I spend time with 3-5 year olds each weekend, and they stun me with the depth and nuance of their thoughts.

    Great to read your thoughts about Tool and excited to see Alex Grey’s work here. Do you like his paintings?

    🙂 Shannon