Reply To: Hello! I’m happy to be here

  • Mike Todd

    July 6, 2023 at 4:12 am

    Sorry to hear that life is piling on. I can relate.

    If you’re interested in further exploring critiques of scientism and metaphysical materialism, as well as a great many other things, you may find Essentia Foundation a richly thought-provoking resource. Its host of contributors includes Dr. McGilchrist and a few of my personal favourites, Michael Asher, Prof. Donald Hoffman and the marvellous Bernardo Kastrup, whom Don mentioned.

    If you’re interested in Jung or in other perspectives on psychology which eschew materialist conclusions, you may appreciate The Weekend University. Dr. McGilchrist and Rupert Spira have both been regular contributors. The main site is subscription-only, but there is also a YT channel with a wealth of content.

    Regarding taxonomies, I believe that such things can help us explore our “wider … native land”, provided that we remain staidly aware of their being maps rather than the territory itself. Any spiritual, philosophical, scientific or aesthetic etching that, however faintly, unconceals the universal may be considered a map. An argument could of course be made to the effect that, once we become familiar with the territory, maps can be set aside. This would be quite sensible, were the territory not unbounded. (And if the territory is limitless, then in some sense there is no limit to the number of fragmentary maps.)

    The following article and poem are, I feel, insightful reflections on uncertainty and guides thereof.

    Some People Like Poetry

    Some people—
    that means not everyone.
    Not even most of them, only a few.
    Not counting school, where you have to,
    and poets themselves,
    you might end up with two per thousand.

    but then, you can like chicken noodle soup,
    or compliments, or the color blue,
    your old scarf,
    your own way,
    petting the dog.

    but what is poetry, anyway?
    More than one rickety answer
    has tumbled since that question first was raised.
    But I just keep on not knowing, and I cling to that
    like a redemptive handrail.