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Posted by Jena Axelrod on January 16, 2024 at 6:31 amHi everyone! I recently joined the Channel McGilchrist support team and have been loving reading some of your posts. It feels like you all have created a cool, efficient, self-organizing community here. Am I reading that right?
Jena Axelrod replied 1 year, 1 month ago 8 Members · 17 Replies -
17 Replies
Hello! Glad you think so, though sometimes it seems that things kind of tail off a bit!
Hi Jena, Its no secret that for me Ian is one of the greatest wise men and teachers on the planet. I notice his conversations, for instance, the one between Ian, Daniel Schmachtenberger and John Vervaeke. Daniel in his conversation with Nate Hagens on AI has pointed to Ian as a leading generator of the countercurrent of wisdom and love to the self terminating activity of the global super organism. I live in Iowa and my concern is the mental imbalance that is underlying global civilization collapse and evident here last night as 50 some percent of Republicans voted for the monstrous, insane Donald Trump as a candidate for President with Evangelicals thinking he is Jesus. I contribute with these artworks that point to qualities of everyday awareness that amplify the countercurrent. All the best Jenna… your work is extremely important to the ultimate survival of human beings who are currently on the accelerating path to self obliteration. Love…. Joseph Woodhouse
Hi Joseph,
I like your art work. I think its vitally important in these times that everyone contribute their creativity to the world as a counterbalance to the constant flow of shallow media that is constantly reenforcing its deluded perspective on reality.
Thank you for the kind words on the artwork. Not sure how Channel McGilchrist will engage with this upcoming seminar, but I am very excited to see that Ian is coming to the U.S.A., I believe in person. https://ctr4process.org/mcgilchrist-schedule/ I would have gone in person but it was sold out. I will attend via Zoom. The countercurrent is beginning to grow in the number of awakened beings that are engaging and this is a very good sign. If Ian happens to pass through Muscatine, Iowa, scenic little town on the Mississippi River, he is welcome to stay with us! All the best, Joe
Impressive speakers there. The option of virtual attendance is a boon.
You are too kind with your generous invitation. I imagine Dr McGilchrist’s schedule is fairly packed, but I’ll make sure he sees your offer. I bet he wishes he could join you.
A recent national poll of those calling themselves “evangelicals” in the US showed that half of them never go to church or read the Bible. It’s basically a way of declaring themselves Trumpists while draping their shoulders with sheep hides. Strangely, McGilchrist is going to one of their strongholds, Hillsdale College (https://channelmcgilchrist.com/lecture-and-seminar-to-hillsdale-college-usa/), whose administration was deeply complicit in Trump’s attempt to override the vote (https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/08/magazine/hillsdale-2020-election.html). Doubtless there are also some honest scholars there, and students who are better than the institution’s leadership, worthy of Iain’s insights.
Lecture and seminar to Hillsdale College, USA
Lecture and seminar to Hillsdale College, USA
Hi Jena, welcome. I agree with Eleanor. I often wonder are the people who are drawn towards Iain’s work generally quite introspective people who tend to need long periods of time on their own to think things through deeply.
Speaking for myself when I was very young I couldnt really understand the disparity between how the grown ups where telling us children how the world was and my actual experience of the world. So I believe I went into my head as a way of trying to work things out. Its only in my later years that I am starting to appreciatte the importance of letting other people into my head and heart.
Good to meet you.
Good to meet you, Anthony! I’m feeling your message, especially during winter, hibernation season.
Hello Niels! Good to see you here, and elsewhere. Did you happen to see that another member is hoping to be in touch with you about your recent podcast? I suggested he message you privately here.
Thank you, Jena. Yes, I did see the person and have connected with him, thank you.
Hi. I just joined this group. Could someone please help me to find Iain’s discussion on the problem of organisations being driven only bymeasurement, by numbers, by the left hemisphere. I have read it or heard it, and want to quote his words in an lettter I am writing. From memory, his thesis is that by ignoring or minimising the right hemisphere approach, we lose out on empathy, caring, collective intelligence, “divine intervention” and creativity. The organisation can becomes less human. Indeed it is likely to wither and die. Any quotes directly from his books or videos would be appreciated. Des
PS perhaps there is a better place to post this?
Hi Desmond, Welcome! I don’t know the answer but will look for it. At the same time, if you wanted to post a new discussion, at the top level of the community, you may catch the eye of a member who already knows.
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