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I am making an attempt to bring the ideas in Iain’s books into the world of medicine. I have started with a self directed course at the local medical school, and one student who wrote daily personal reflections while reading the first 6 chapters of The Master and His Emissary. He found the whole process immensely valuable and sees it impacting significantly on his future role as a physician.
I have recently also written the following article. This is a first draft but I want to work on it more and submit it somewhere.
I am wondering if there are others interested in this application of these ideas to start a discussion group here.
Here is the article.
Medicine as Enchantment, Wonder, and Awe.
The truth of who and what a physician is lies in the enchantment and the wonder of it. The beauty and the joy of it.
Medicine is an art form where the object and the medium and the subject of the art is the human being. It is the wonder of the human body. Its skeleton. Its muscular system creating the most amazing music, and dance and life. It is the internal organ systems that provide the energy for this action. The mind. The emotions.
As medical students we learn anatomy. Physiology. The basic principles of how it all holds together and the systems of homeostasis that create life. But do we see the wonder of it all? The beauty? The awe. we can go down to the cellular level to see it too. And appreciate that all the elements of life are present even there. Meaning. Purpose. Intention. Consciousness.
A physician operating in a world of enchantment will be overcome with the beauty and the mystery of the human body and the human mind, because this is our field of action. This is how and where we practice the arts of medicine. If we ourselves are in awe, then our patients too will be in awe of their own bodies and mind, and through that awe and wonder will find a way to healing because in the end each individual patient is responsible for their own health and well being. In order to be healthy we must be in relationship with the miraculous of own body.
And yet in the way medicine is taught and practiced now the physician sees himself almost as a mechanic. We have UpToDate on all our phones. We have all the guidelines step by step. We have been taught to see the human body and all its functioning as a machine that can be controlled by algorithms. . A machine cannot heal itself. A machine cannot love itself and care for itself. It cannot understand purpose and meaning. It cannot be filled with the awe and wonder of perceiving its own self.
If we treat our patients as machines, and if we see them as machines, then in a very real way they actually become machines. If we treat them and relate to them as miracles, they become that.
In the end every individual is responsible for his/her own health and well being. This is true at every level, even down to the cellular. If they see themeselves as miracles then they will treat themselves that way. So the primary role of the physician has to be to reveal to patients the awe, the wonder, the mystery and the enchantment of who they are. In order to do this we have to discover it ourselves, and it needs to be a core component of the training of a physician as well.
A machine does not experience sunlight. Or joy. Or delight. It is not in relationship with anything. It cannot heal itself because there is nothing in it that is capable of healing.
If I am in awe of my own body then I am going to be highly motivated to take care of myself well. I will avoid toxins. I will engage in healthy pursuits. I will excercise. Because all these things build the sense of awe going higher and higher and higher. They engage the energy. The light.
As physicians we are in a privileged position to learn and know the amazing secrets and miracle of the human body and how it functions. Yes we have a responsibility to apply the knowledge we have about how to deal with things when they go wrong. How the machine functions and how it can be corrected. However this is only one aspect of our responsibility. One side of it. We also have to be able to transmit the awe and wonder of it to out patients. And we are in a unique position to do this.
Our primary responsibility is to transmit this knowing to our patients. Not necessarily to teach them anatomy and physiology although we can still do this in a small way, but to transmit the awe and the wonder of it all so that this knowing can become part of their own lives and start them on the road to their own healing process.
We need to be treating our patients as miracles.
Not as machines.
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