Beyond Theory – Experience, Attention, and Action
Have you had an unusual experience while being highly conscious of LH and RH attention modes? Mine... View more
Expanded account of grizzly bear encounter
Expanded account of grizzly bear encounter
This is an expanded account of my direct experience of hemisphere theory, as well as much of Part III of TMWT (time, consciousness, matter, nature, spirit and the sense of the sacred, to name a few.)
While I don’t presume to prove anything, it is my hope that if I convey good, true and beautiful then that speaks for itself. That’s my aim anyway, even if I must inevitably fall short.
The original assumes familiarity with Dr. McGilchrist’s discovery while this expansion makes no assumptions at all on the part of the reader.
I can’t say if you’ll enjoy reading it. Some people raved while some remain indifferent, and who responds how continues to surprise me. (My teenage son loved it which is my primary measure of success.) All I can say is you’ll know on the first paragraph if you want to read more.
I came to this site today not sure if I would post this or delete everything. When I started this group I hoped we’d hear stories of hemispheres coming alive but perhaps this experience is even rarer than I thought. I’ll leave it up if it’s of value to anyone, but if not I may take it down for being just too weird for this world.
In the meantime, I hope you will find a sense of just how immanent and transcendent this awesome and wondrous experience was. I feel blessed to have known these few hours of my hemispheres working together in harmony and resonance, and so I thought I would share what that was like with my fellow students.
(A pdf is attached in case you’re interested but would rather pass on the online version.)
Meeting Mountain, Mind, and the Momma Grizzly
An encounter of untold dimensions
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